Art for every body

create something beautiful with me

Madeline Anne

Hi! My name is Madeline. Anne is my middle name that I share with my mother and both of my grandmothers who inspired my creativity from the very beginning.


Intuitive Art

Like every part of me my art is always changing. I do not stick to a style or medium, not to sound cheesy, but I go where my creativity takes me. I hope you enjoy the ride and that the art that comes of it can put a smile on your face.

Support Small

All art is created by hand locally in Richmond, VA. By Supporting Art by Madeline Anne you are supporting a local artist. All pieces are originals, so no one else will have a copy or a print. Your piece will be unique.


As a 99% self taught artist I am still constantly learning about new products out there that will allow me to make higher quality art without sacrificing the environment. I am a single person who is doing what I can to reduce my carbon footprint. What does that mean to you? All of our packaging is recycled so don’t get confused if you don’t remember ordering from Amazon, that box was just reused!